Roerich’s Himalaya

The National Gallery of Modern Art in New Delhi is a place I love going to, although I must also say that I don't visit it as often as I should. One of India's few- and the best by a long shot- state-owned art galleries, NGMA's collection is a medium sized but fascinating one. Leaving... Continue Reading →

A Remarkable Man

Here's something I came across on Project Gutenberg. This is a book published in 1899 by the English adventurer/painter/traveller/raconteur called Arnold Henry Savage Landor- an account of his somewhat alarming, but extremely interesting travels and travails in Southern Tibet in 1897 called In the Forbidden Land.Pic: The Tibetan weather and Landor's hardships leave their mark... Continue Reading →

Map Woes Part 4

(...continued from Map Woes Part 3)A recent visit to the Survey of India map sales office in Delhi was most frustrating. The people there were extremely reluctant to show me any maps without me first telling them the exact sheet number- they probably even need the latitude and longitude- and even then could only give... Continue Reading →


I sat beside a cairn atop Chandrashila watching clouds rise. Freezing in Sujaan's choti at Tunganath, a combination of sleep deprivation and oxygen depletion had effectively ruled out my much cherished ambition of making it to the peak before sunrise that day. Feeling a little better as the day wore on, I decided to make... Continue Reading →

Tunganath Part 5

5. Chopta is about a mile from Baniyakund. Along the way are a few tea shops and flophouses. The trail to Tunganath starts at Chopta. The main road carries on to the right and below from Chopta to Bhulkona, a mile away. From there, the road descends to Pangarbasa. The way lies through a deep... Continue Reading →

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